To provide support and a hand up to hard-working parents and their children who are not receiving welfare, or housing assistance. This is a group that tends to fall through the cracks. These are people trying to break the cycle of poverty and doing their best to get ahead. It’s a situation that creates an uncertain future for both parents and their children.

Who We Are

Whom do we serve?

We are fortunate to serve ever-increasing numbers of hard-working, low-income families. This segment of the population is growing, yet typically over looked and often struggling. Children with parents that are making a little too much money to qualify for government assistance. We are here to give a hand up to parents who are working tirelessly, paying their bills, and doing everything in their power to provide their children with food, clothing, and shelter without public assistance.

What do we do?

Our families are given the opportunity to take advantage of the many services and programs we have available. We have families that have been able to purchase their first home, and many more are close to reaching that goal as well! HOPE of the Grand Valley is here for families as they walk through life. We have found that providing guidance creates a clearer path to a more prosperous and successful future, and in turn, allows HOPE of the Grand Valley to continue our journey of helping those who just need a hand up.
HOPE of the Grand Valley is a local Mesa County nonprofit that was founded in 2008. Our mission is to provide support and a hand up to hard-working parents that still find it hard to make ends meet at times. “This is a group that tends to fall through the cracks,” states Founder and Executive Director, Vicki McGee. “That’s why we provide a hand up, not a hand out to these local families.”
Hope of the Grand Valley provides a hand up, not a hand out; by fostering and encouraging independence for hardworking, low-income families.
HOPE of the Grand Valley was founded in the Grand Valley to fill in a very specific gap in our community.

"My husband and I had a goal to purchase our own home the following year, but we felt this may be the opportunity for us to try and pursue this dream even sooner. With the amazing support from HOPE, we were able to reach our budget goal in just five short months." .

"HOPE of the Grand Valley is a fantastic place to receive a hand up and not a hand out! It's like a big family where we get to learn and grow with faith and knowledge in financial and parenting and many other subjects. They lead by example and have a true gift of love for their community! I am so thankful to get to be a part of this family group!"

"The moms I have met and the support has been outstanding. I am learning so many things and have caught up on most of my bills with the budgeting skills and learning that other moms have some of the same struggles I do is so comforting.
I am trying to overcome my insecurities and believe that I am good enough and only have positive influences in my life. Being a single mom is tough, being an abuse survivor is tough, feeling like you are good enough is tough, but HOPE of the Grand Valley is helping me be tough enough and be proud of what I can accomplish!"

“HOPE of the Grand Valley has given us more support and people to add to our extended family. All of the assistance is awesome, but the emotional support and connections we have made mean the most! We are forever humbled and grateful for what we have been given!

Thank you HOPE of the Grand Valley! Many times, this is a population that goes unnoticed. The support HOTGV gives to the community is more than just financial, it is also a place where meaningful relationships and support are provided to strengthen our families."

During these times of great uncertainty, we’ve been comforted, encouraged, and humbled by the outpouring of generosity and support from our community.
Remarkable people, give us HOPE for our future and the future of the families we are blessed to be able to serve.

We THANK YOU for helping us continue to meet these challenges with your support; so we can continue to provide support for our families with integrity, compassion, accountability, respect, and excellence.

We are all so very grateful!